Our commitments

RéVes & Jardins

My philosophy

It is a great honor for me to take care of your garden. Keep it pleasant and invigorating so that you can always enjoy it. Give it attention and care with the seasons. Make this garden always feel good and express its gratitude to you each time you come.

Your garden is alive, it can express what it needs to flourish. Let us know how to “Ré” learn to listen to it, feel it and understand it.

My commitments

Encourage the installation of spontaneous flora and small fauna, which contributes to the enrichment of biodiversity. No longer use weed killers containing glyphosate, a molecule classified as probable carcinogen by the WHO.

My role

Take care of your garden on this little corner of paradise that is the Ile de Ré, understand and follow your aspirations: colors, perfumes, graphic shapes and serenity that do you so much good.

Everyone has their role to play in your garden. The earthworm which makes compost, which aerates your soil, the bee which forages your flowers and pollinates your plants, the robin, the chickadee or the red tail which brighten up the garden with their joyful songs while cleaning certain parasites.

As a landscape gardener, I have to give everyone what they need to flourish without wasting the resources present. On an island, all natural resources are scarce: water, land, air and I listen to everyone, every day.





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