Your garden

Your garden is one more room in your home. An exterior room, certainly but an integral part of your home.

This is where you want to spend your free time from the first beautiful days of spring. This is where you will eat during the summer while watching the children play. This is also where you want to enjoy the last beautiful days of autumn before the cold arrives. Suffice to say that it is the privileged place of your home, the place where you like to spend time. Recharge your batteries. It is a place that reminds you of memories: the rose given by your father; the apple tree planted with your uncle … It is also a framework that calls for new projects.

Your garden looks like you. You want it to be imbued with serenity, beautiful essences of plants, subtle perfumes that remind you of good times, colors that give you energy!

Your garden is an extension of your home, the continuity of your “self”.

Whether English, French, Chinese, Mediterranean spirituality … whatever. What matters is that you feel good for a few minutes, for an afternoon, for a week of vacation, for a whole season. Your garden does you good.